Still life workshop
5 session oil painting course / 5 participants max / available 1 to 1
Available spots
Service Description
Through this five session course the students will approach to the use of colour and develop a sensibility for tones, intensity and value. They will experiment combining primary, secondary and tertiary colours in order to bring volumes and to create a “STILL LIFE” composition. Each session lasts 3 hours with a 15 minutes break in the middle. Cost $250 per student - groups of 5 students / $550 one student. Includes some materials Saturdays from 2 to 5 pm / contact: maria.penabriceno@gmail.com for details DAY 1: Colour Theory. Understanding primary, secondary and tertiary colours Tone, intensity and value in primary, secondary, tertiary and black and white tones Contrast and Complementary colours Still life with live model and gridding technique Students will apply the theory of colour and tones in order to create volume, intensity, brightness and value in one exercise DAY 2: Starting the Still Life on Canvas In this session students will learn composition techniques. They will organize the elements in the canvas and learn proportion, foreground, middle ground and background in the composition Students will learn and apply the grid technique using a photograph containing 3 or 4 elements: Ex: orange, lemon, eggplant, grapes, tomato etc. DAY 3. Still Life Composition First layer In this session students will apply the theory of colour learned in day 1 and 2, in order to create volume, intensity, brightness and value. In this sessions a first layer of colours will be added into the still life composition. Understanding the medium and solvents used in oil painting Studying Paul Cezanne Still Life compositions DAY 4. Still Life Composition second layer Building layers and glazing in oil painting Locating different tones and building lights and shades. Creating the shade of the object on the space Working on the background colour DAY 5. Concluding the First Still Life Composition. Building more layers and glazing Giving stronger tones and details Improving shades and lights Last layer for background Discussion between students and tutor about their experience and achievements Glass of wine and tutor presenting more ideas for following workshop

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