Portrait Workshop
5 session oil painting course / 5 participants max / available 1 to 1
Available spots
Service Description
Through this five session oil painting course students will learn to create planes and features of the face, outline the head, draw eyes, nose and mouth in detail, and to prepare a variety of skin colours in order to apply in their portrait composition. Students will also learn how the contours, shadows and light work in painting and to incorporate proportion of the face. Each session lasts 3 hours with a 15 minutes break in the middle. Cost $250 per student - groups of 5 students / $550 one student. Includes some materials Saturdays from 2 to 5 pm / contact: maria.penabriceno@gmail.com for details DAY 1: • Introduction to portrait. • Proportion, planes and features of the face and outlining the head • Drawing and painting in detail: eye and eyebrow, the parts of the eye, sections and depth of the nose, the lips expression DAY 2: Looking and getting inspiration from different portrait famous artists: Lucien Freud, Francis Bacon, Vincent Vang Gogh, Frida Khalo. Starting a portrait by imagination and inspired in these painters in a canvas pad. Learning to prepare skin tones and applying proportion, tones and composition. DAY 3: Starting the portrait in the stretched canvas. Outlining the head, creating skin colours and applying a base. Building proportion, creating in detail the features of the face, establishing volumes, planes, dark, lighter tones and shadows DAY 4. Building more layers of colours and tones. Adding volume to the features, fixing proportions. Working on the neck, and in the background. Creating glazing, more defined shadows and lights DAY 5. Building more layers, more tones and glazing Finishing the portrait Glass of wine

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